Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Cache

Adam with his cache of stuff. Poor kid, it must be hard to have to wait for your birthday to get exactly what you want! Posted by Picasa
I am working on Adam answering the question, "Adam, how old are you?" He answers with, "I'm good!" When asked again, he repeats what I say. I realize that he does not understand how the word 'old' modifies the question. I wonder how we can work on helping him understand. 10 minutes now and he still is not getting it - poor kid. Dad is bugging him while he has his YuGiOh video on. I will never get his attention while that is playing. ;) - (oh - great respsonce to "throw away the trash")


Blogger Leap of Faaaith said...

Adam and I got into a wrestling match right after this picture. I stuck a finger in his ear and made a slurping sound (it is how I 'get his brain'). He simply told me he had two brains :( - so I had to slurp again - then he said he had three brains (I was interupting his movie) when I got the third brain - he jumped me - got his brains back - and said "haha - I got the brains."
That was fun.

7/06/2005 01:32:00 PM  

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