Friday, July 08, 2005

What will an Independent Adam mean?

This is a comment list to begin to examine what it will mean for Adam to be Independent.


Blogger Leap of Faaaith said...

This is another subject that I have not examined very well. I hope, with help, we can all develop an aggressive achievable goal.
Here is a quote and a site I would love to consider… “Sometimes professionals working with people with autism become so concerned about the person's social life that developing intellectually satisfying employment skills is neglected.” Quote is from , it is about half way down on this page. I wanted to share it because the author has some credibility on the subject, he is autistic… is another article on this subject, by the same author, that is worthy of a read.

7/07/2005 11:13:00 PM  
Blogger Leap of Faaaith said...

Okay, my first response to this question is – Who can tell what the future holds! If we do everything we can for him now, then his future will be as good as it can be… But I don’t think that is what the question means. I think the end result of the question will be what we do in the “What should we do for Adam’s Future” post.

7/11/2005 12:16:00 PM  
Blogger Leap of Faaaith said...

First Try
An Independant Adam would have a satisfying profession and live in a home in a safe location where an independant agency checks in on him daily.

7/11/2005 12:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

An independent Adam will be able to make CHOICES (as best he can) when it comes to the different aspects of his life. Adam should eventually be given the opportunity to participate in vocational experiences that touch upon his likes and interests. To be involved in a job that is unrewarding is unfair to anyone. Adam should also participate,to the degree that he is able, in aspects of his life including where he will live, who will be in his life, what his room will look like, and what he will spend his hard earned money on. These activities and choices are things that we take for granted and should not be denied Adam. He has a lot to offer this world!

7/13/2005 03:37:00 PM  

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